Hello! As some existing customers may have noticed, we had some unexpected extended downtime in the past week. This was due to an extended DDoS attack on one of our customers, which unfortunately ended up affecting all customers.
We were able to mitigate the attack, but at the expense of changing a lot of our backend. This includes IP addresses, ...
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Want to do something more than just a website? A Minecraft server, TeamSpeak 3 server, maybe just an online file storage with NextCloud?
a VPS is what you need. With everything from a single core, 1 gig server for cheap, up to a much more powerful 8 gig 4 core beast, we've got it. Check out our selection today!
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We've upgraded to a whole new system, which should make setting up hosting, getting support, and changing your hosting options around a hell of a lot easier!With this new system, you can sign up for a hosting account and have it automatically set up for you, with exactly the options you want. That should make it a lot easier to get up and running ...
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